A Game Ecosystem for Digital Altruism
KiH is a Game Ecosystem for Digital Altruism. We add music and fun to the philanthropic giving experience to connect a new generation of people with the ownership of social challenges. Our core mission is to remind people what makes us human and that in the digital worldwe may be incorporeal or re-embodied but still humans who care for each other, so promoting philanthropy.

Good Evaluation
Collaborative evaluation design to maximise value
Good Evaluation is a trusted adviser to funders, policymakers and service providers. We support our clients to ensure the effective implementation of their solutions, save costs and achieve social impact with robust evaluation design support. We use tools such as Collaborative Evaluability Assessment to help stakeholders to better evidence the impact of their interventions in a systematic, rapid and cost-effective way. Our approach is based on the latest research and practice and is designed to provide customised support to enable each client’s programme to achieve its maximum potential.

Cardiff University Bitcoin Database
The rich network data of Bitcoin – the most important cryptocurrency – is significantly underutilised in all applicable areas ranging from research, trading and regulation to anti-money laundering and terrorist activity prevention. CUBiD is the only database of its kind that allows everyone to benefit from the Bitcoin data without requiring advanced level of IT skills. It provides ready-to-use and up-to-date secondary-level data. In short, CUBiD provides an easily accessible and user-friendly data platform for all users.

The State of the States
The State of the States is an online policy intelligence subscription service and database which gives state and local government practitioners and policymakers in the United States the right information to do their jobs more effectively. The platform has three parts: a ‘policy brain’ which curates and explains examples of best practice in policymaking across different policy issues and challenges; a network for practitioners to connect and share problems and best practice; and social media sentiment analysis function for policies.

Enduring Net
Privacy Preserving Internet Check-In Track-&-Trace & Digital Passports
An internet “check-in book” to complement Bluetooth T&T for organisers, such as care home managers, university lecturers, etc. It generates a covid safe attendance register, and for everyone to be alerted when there is an outbreak among the group gatherings. By using internet Socket-IO connection ID (stored on local device), our app does not use/store personal information. Our T&T is decentralised and avoids incidences like data overload and single-point-failure. We are not using Bluetooth technology meaning those without access to a Smartphone can still use the service.

Your handwashing Buddy
Our vision is to transform handwashing for children in schools with our wall mounted social robot, WallBo, in both developing and developed countries. WallBo encourages, monitors and teaches handwashing in a fun and engaging way using behavioural science and artificial intelligence. WallBo will prevent germ transmission, reduce spread of COVID-19, save healthcare costs and save lives. WallBo can provide a 60-fold return on investment on healthcare costs annually in UK schools alone and increase hand hygiene compliance by 40%.

We have developed low cost volcano sensing technology which delivers improved monitoring and forecasting capacity at a fraction of the cost of previously applied approaches.

Care Quality Evaluation (CQE)
Joining the dots … to better care delivery and evaluation
CQE is a digital platform that will empower patients, healthcare professional teams, healthcare managers and healthcare commissioners to better manage, improve, and cost effectively monitor long-term conditions at a population level using individual patient level data. Connecting individual patient outcomes to the economic productivity and social impact of care management on the population suffering from chronic lifelong conditions for the first time, it will realise a multiplication effect at population level from delivering small incremental differences for individual patients.

The Trade Policy Hub (TPH)
The Trade Policy Hub (TPH) is a scalable consulting business, providing expertise for clients across the public and private sectors. Our USP builds on three benefits: state-of-the-art research on global trade and investment policy issues, innovative approaches, and a wide network of experts inside and outside the LSE. TPH offers organisations up-to-date expertise, multidisciplinary approach, and reach into networks and is developing a range of toolkits to scale the expertise to reach more clients globally. We lead on competitors with our recognition for robust evidence-based, quality and management by policy-experts.

Sahara Nutrition
Learn, connect and engage for a healthier life, the African way!
Poor nutrition disproportionately affects the BAME community. The vision of Sahara Nutrition is to improve the lives of Black Africans across the UK. We will achieve this through awareness raising, and empowering of local community using an innovative community-based model. Our goal is for BMEs to be able to take charge and better manage obesity and hypertension. We will create a digital platform where people can trust and have conversation about their health and lifestyle. We will provide quality education and training, ongoing nutrition support and build cultural competence amongst Nutrition professionals. We will provide tools for healthy living the cultural way!

Cost Calculator for Children’s Services (CCfCS)
Local authority children’s services in England provide support for most vulnerable children. Providing the right support at the right time is crucial to a child’s long-term outcomes. Cost calculator is an analytics tool that enables local authorities evaluate which support leads to which outcomes, while monitoring progress and costs. Our existing Cost Calculator platform has benefited thousands of children across local authorities for 15+ years, but we now need a web-based platform to enhance data security, usability, functionality and scalability.

Humanity Research Consultancy (HRC)
Humanity Research Consultancy (HRC) believes in a slave-free world, where everyone is equally valued, respected, and able to flourish.
We aim to end modern slavery by empowering decision-makers to create systemwide-change built on evidence-based strategies. We do so by revolutionising the norms. Unlike other consultancies, we prioritise training and employing researchers local to the region we are researching. This means we reveal locally harvested, richly nuanced insights that get straight to the heart of issues, and subsequently, craft better solutions.