• "Aspect is changing the way people gain recognition for their role in SHAPE"

    We’re dedicated to training opportunities that foster collective growth in SHAPE research innovation

    Aspect training is for professionals, academics, and the public, united in our mission to share experiences, ideas, strategies, and learnings

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    • Our training sessions are designed to empower university staff in SHAPE research commercialisation, enriching their skills to fortify and expand institutional ecosystems. Complementing these sessions are resources available on the Aspect Members’ Platform, ranging from templates to “Train-the-Trainer” toolkits, and knowledge shares from fellow members

    • We’re committed to delivering collective insights from our membership to assist academics in amplifying the impact of their research. With tailored training sessions and self-learning courses on the Aspect Members Platform, covering diverse subjects from expanding social media networks to establishing social ventures, there’s something for every researcher, from the inquisitive learner to the ambitious entrepreneur

      Are you ready to take your idea to the next level? Then the Aspect Research Commercialisation (ARC) Accelerator could be the route for you

    • Whether you’re an investor, consultant, public body, or visionary, SHAPE presents an exciting frontier to explore. Ventures emerging from university pipelines are reshaping concepts of impact investment, corporate social responsibility, ESG frameworks, and more. Join us in this dynamic landscape

    • We’re pioneering the recognition of roles and activities within SHAPE through Aspect Smart Badges. These blockchain-based micro-credentials validate completion of Aspect training and participation in our and our members’ activities, providing tangible proof of acquired skills and knowledge for career advancement


    Recognising the demands of busy schedules and global time zones, we offer online training materials for Aspect Members to access at their convenience. Developed collaboratively to empower academics and professional support staff, our suite of resources includes pathways like The Social Venture Pathway, helping academics launch their own social ventures; the Games Development Pathway, offering insights from industry and academic professionals of converting research into both tabletop and digital video games, and Building on ABC developed by Aspect Members the University of Oxford, The University of Edinburgh, The University of Glasgow, University of Birmingham, York University, and Durham University providing a comprehensive knowledge exchange training programme.  We also collaborate with a number of external organisations to share their learnings, with courses on embedding sustainability, legal structures for ventures and tools for effective project communication and marketing


    Since our inception, we’ve championed experimentation and collaborative learning to foster SHAPE ventures’ growth. Uniquely, our network is built by members, ensuring that our collective knowledge is shared and utilised for the benefit of all. Our upcoming training sessions cover topics such as the nuances of licensing, consultancy, and contract research; strategies to promote research, identify collaborators, and enhancing scholarly impact on LinkedIn, and approaches to structuring CPD programmes, leveraging research outcomes, and engaging partners effectively, all designed to enhance skills and impact. These training sessions are held online with time commitments from four hours to 10 depending on the course. As with all of our training, participants will be issued with micro-credentials via our Smart Badges upon completion to attest to the knowledge and skills gained


    Watch, Listen, Read

    Since 2018, our members have been actively collaborating on the development of resources and materials derived from the Aspect Testbed projects

    These initiatives provide valuable insights, tools, and resources to navigate the dynamic SHAPE ecosystem, empowering individuals and organisations to maximise positive impact from SHAPE research

    • Filters
    259 Resources | Page 12 of 15

    Methods for Change team profile: Amy Barron

    Cultural and Social geographer Dr Amy Barron tells us about her research using arts-based, ethnographic methods

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    Reflecting on lessons learnt from the SUCCESS Programme

    An interview with Chris Fellingham, Head of the SUCCESS Programme

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    Webinar recording: Social Science Commercialisation 101

    Sharing knowledge, evidence and expertise in KEC for social science research.

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    Webinar recording: Building a better world after COVID-19

    Transforming how we think about social science commercialisation

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    Webinar Recording: Sustainability at scale

    The role of social science research in building long-term solutions

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    Growing Aspect’s international focus

    We spoke to The University of Sussex’s Andre Mostert about the goals of this key project

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    Methods for Change – showcasing social sciences methodologies

    The University of Manchester-based team outline their Aspect-funded project

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    SUCCESS project profile: The State of the States

    Chris Gilson explains his interactive resource focused on US politics

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    Aspect webinar: Building resilient communities

    Building resilient communities and businesses in the ‘new normal’

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    Evidence and Knowledge Exchange across the Housing Sector

    Ken Gibb, University of Glasgow, provides insights on the Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE)

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    Social science spinouts a neglected pathway to impact?

    Chris Fellingham explores the importance of spinouts for achieving impact

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    SUCCESS project profile: WallBo

    Dr Amol Deshmukh outlines his very timely handwashing focused venture

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    Aspect Annual Event 2020

    This year’s Aspect annual event will focus on the overarching theme of Building prosperity and wellbeing through social science innovation.

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    Urban environments – an increasing focus for social scientists

    Insights on the challenges and opportunities for social sciences

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    SUCCESS workshop by Ruth Daniel, CEO of In Place of War

    Practical insights on starting and growing a social enterprise.

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    Now is the time to transform how we think about social science commercialisation

    Julia Black argues that social sciences can play a unique role in the post-COVID-19

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    SUCCESS project profile: Keep•It•Human

    We spoke to Professor Ricardo Climent about his social enterprise

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    Converge – Driving academic entrepreneurship in Scotland

    A focus on Scotland’s national entrepreneurial development programme for HEIs

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    259 Resources | Page 12 of 15


    The Aspect toolkit captures the lessons learned during Aspect’s first three years, disseminating shared knowledge and providing practical guidance that other institutions can use for inspiration in their own activities

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    The Aspect Network welcomes applications from like-minded organisations across the world to become members

    Join us in contributing to solutions for the global challenges we encounter. Reach out to us today to discover how the Aspect Network can support you

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