Bristol Impact Hub

Bringing Bristol’s professional services teams together to deliver support for SHAPE using a shared framework.

Project dates:

November 2021 – October 2022

Why is this needed?

At the University of Bristol we try to significantly increase the impact at scale from academic research. However, we believe we identified challenges such as

  • Social science academics usually are not part of large groups that can spend years developing patents and technologies and therefore, generate soft IP that is more challenging to commercialese.
  • Culture means academics are less excited about commercialisation and the terminology
  • Lack of transitional resources and limited coordination between different professional service functions.
  • Inefficient processes for obtaining advice, slowing projects and funding bids
  • Siloed knowledge and lack of reaching out to other academics with complementary knowledge.

In order to address some of these challenges the University of Bristol established a “translational impact hub” that includes all professional service functions meeting on a monthly basis to discuss certain projects.

What did the project achieve?

Aspect funding enabled the Bristol team to take a more coordinated approach and hire an impact acceleration officer to help expand the activities by doing the following:

  1. Map existing pipelines and challenges
  2. Conduct and test additional activities to stimulate more projects (talks, events etc.)
  3. Build on our IAA activities and further accelerator existing projects within our impact pipeline.
  4. Develop and test a framework to allow us to track projects and outcomes.
  5. Produce a project report to be shared with Aspect members on how to best set up a hub and get the most benefits for each institution.

What was the output of the project?

short report available to Aspect members on the Aspect Members Platform was produced summarising how the Hub was run, what sort of training and support was provided, how the tracking framework works, and including case studies of applying the framework to real projects. (The report is available to Aspect Members only.)

The project ran in parallel to the Aspect Translational Impact Acceleration Hub project, which also deployed the tracking framework across a group of Aspect members, and developed some of the support offerings with input from the Hub team.

Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration: Ethical Considerations

What is the project doing?

This project allowed researchers to engage with the relevant commercial stakeholders (specifically AI firms, law firms, and arbitral institutions) to ensure the careful and ethically appropriate integration of AI technologies into commercial arbitration processes through the application of the academic research conducted by the authors.


Jasem Tarawneh

Omar Madhloom

Methods for embedding micro-businesses in change for Net Zero

What is the project doing?

MicroSEM was a project led by a team at the University of Sussex Business School, which aimed to understand how to better engage with the UK’s smallest businesses, micro and small businesses (up to 49 employees), for supporting their transition to Net Zero.

In the UK, small and medium size businesses (from zero to 250 employees) collectively emit around half (43-53%) of UK’s business sector carbon emissions, however 76% of SMEs are yet to implement decarbonisation strategies with only 3% having measured their carbon emissions to set reduction targets. The existing literature on SME and Net Zero argues that 34% of businesses are more likely to not be prepared for transitioning to Net Zero, suggesting these are often the smallest businesses.

Current academic discussions on SME decarbonisation in the UK suggest that micro and small businesses (up to 49 employees) remain an understudied area of research. Outputs of this project including a video and tools for better approaching micro and small businesses in relation to Net Zero are available on the Aspect Member Platform.


Ralitsa Hiteva, Senior Research Fellow, University of Sussex

Franco Gonzalez, Research Assistant, University of Sussex

Design for Social Entrepreneurship

What was the project doing?

This project aimed to strengthen the RCA’s institutional capabilities for supporting, starting, and developing social ventures from a human and people-centered perspective. Through a combination of case studies and practice-based design research, the project sought to develop and deliver a design-driven training model to support the expansion of social entrepreneurial practices within RCA students and staff with the aim of promoting its institutional capabilities and expertise to their partners and key stakeholders.

Why was this needed?

The project activities increased cross-college collaboration, enabling stronger cooperation between Research & Innovation, Communications, Schools, Research Centres, Academic Development (students), and InnovationRCA. The project increased staff capacity and capabilities to develop partnerships with business and industry using studio projects as an entry level to collaboration.

How could members get involved?

Members were involved by:

  • Contributing successful case studies of social entrepreneurship.
  • Being part of a training pilot.
  • Disseminating the training program.

The learning material of the training programme will be published and made accessible to all members via the Aspect Members Platform.

For further information, please contact Tatiana Schofield (

Piloting an Innovation Internships programme for PhD students

What is the project doing?

In 2022, Zinc piloted a new placements programme, allowing PhD students – the majority from SHAPE disciplines – to work with and in Zinc startups. Eight students joined us in May from a range of institutions and disciplines, but with a shared interest in improving children’s mental health, which was the focus of our most recent venture-builder. Over three months, they were able to gain substantial hands-on experience with startups and to apply their research skills and knowledge to the early-stage development of new commercial products and services. They also worked together on a group Venture Project, to develop a commercial solution supporting children experiencing eco-anxiety.

Both student and venture participants in this programme provided very positive feedback. Students particularly highlighted the value of joining a cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary cohort; working together on the Venture Project; gaining direct experience of work with founders / ventures; and being able to access support and programme content from Zinc.

The experience of running this programme has confirmed that there is both a significant gap in the availability of startup-based placement opportunities for PhDs (particularly in SHAPE), and a real demand for this sort of placement among students. We hope to run further Innovation Internship programmes in future.

Phase 3 focus: Run a second round of the Innovation Internships placement programme, building on the pilot experience to refine and enhance the programme to move towards a sustainable programme.

Why is this needed?

Given the clear demand for this sort of placement among PhD students and the mutual benefits that we observed to both students and ventures, we are keen to offer further Innovation Internships with Zinc / Zinc ventures. Before the end of this programme, we ran two online information sessions for PhD students interested in participating in a future programme. Even with minimal promotion, hese attracted ~20 participants from a range of institutions and disciplines. Students from the current cohort joined those sessions and were able to share their own experiences with prospective applicants to a future programme.

How can members get involved?

This programme has now finished. However, we hope to run further iterations of the Innovation Internships placements for PhD students. We would welcome members’ input to the development of that new programme and their support with promoting this opportunity to students at their own institutions.

We also welcome ongoing expressions of interest from academics at ASPECT institutions who might be keen to engage with companies in our portfolio of existing ventures (all of which focus on mental health, healthy ageing, and the future of work). Anyone keen to learn more can contact Rachel Middlemass
( for more information.

We are also keen to hear from any academic researchers who might be interested in joining us as Visiting Fellows to the next venture-builder, which will develop new companies seeking to transform the industries with the biggest environmental impacts. Researchers can register their interest in this here:


Rachel Middlemass, Head of R&D Partnerships, ZINC


What was the project doing?

This project explored how systems underpinning academic career progression could be better aligned to support meaningful engagement with Entrepreneurship & Innovation. It examined the then-current state of play with Aspect partners in terms of recognition, reward, and workload allocation; co-created solutions; and provided recommendations for developing and implementing an enterprise pathway(s).

Why was this needed?

Research had been completed, and findings were prepared for dissemination. Work was underway on a follow-on project.

How could members get involved?

The project received Phase 3 funding from Aspect and shared in the session how members could get involved, including: Interviews with senior stakeholders; Survey of academic staff (in preparation); Focus group with SHAPE researchers (in preparation).


Paul Robert, Lead Researcher, University of Sussex

Prof Norbert Morawetz, Henley Business School, University of Reading

Social Venture Pathway

What is the project doing?

The project aimed to develop a new and dedicated multi-step pathway to support academics interested in forming a social venture. The unique pathway included a set of tools and guidance documents, to allow innovation teams to readily guide the formation of a social venture. These tools are now available on the Aspect Member Hub.

The Translational Impact Acceleration Hub (Phase 2), Social Ventures Pathways project, and the RC CoP project worked together on this project to create complementary resources for both academic and professional services staff.

Work Package 1 – Audit of material

  • Deliverable: Audit
  • Description: An external consultant was engaged to support an audit of material created for academic & professional services staff to support commercialisation. This audit included all templates and tools for social entrepreneurs, to find the gaps in the current disparate materials.

Work Package 2 – Creation of New Materials

  • Deliverable: New materials to support the gaps identified in WP1.
  • Description: This included the creation of guidance bite-sized videos on social enterprise to incorporate legal guidance from Taylor Vintners. This included a template for the Theory of Change, impact assessments, social lean canvas or the mission model canvas. In addition, materials were developed for a mini-course to engage both externals as well as how to incentivise academic researchers in this space. There will be specific resources aimed at each stage of the innovation process, to be aligned with the TIAH process.

Work Package 3 – Funding Guide

  • Deliverable: Guide on investors
  • Description: To create a categorised guide to impact investors and a clear guidance document on routes to funding for social ventures

Work Package 4 – Sharing sessions

  • Description: To take advantage of the large group of universities with varied experiences, we will hold one-off sharing sessions on topics related to social ventures, likely led by a specific university. Topics to be identified through the audit.

Charlotte Rowan, LSE

Pathways to increase SHAPE academic business engagement

What is the project doing?

Using a thematic context (Sustainability; Digital data and risk; Levelling up) as a hook to get academics engaged, the programme showcased pathways to increase academic engagement. Includes workshops with academics, ECRs, and businesses; and development of case studies and a framework for academic engagement.

The project worked in collaboration with the ‘Building on ABC’ Phase 3 project.

Train the Trainer

What is the project doing?

Following the first scoping phase of the ‘Train the Trainer’ project in 2021/22, the KE/Comms CoP implemented plans to improve the accessibility and use of the toolkits and other outputs produced in the first phase of Aspect and develop some new resources and sessions for PS staff tasked with
communicating/promoting/supporting knowledge exchange (KE), innovation and its impact for SHAPE researchers within their institutions.

The main aim of the project was not to add significantly to the volume of resources on the Aspect platform, but rather to curate existing resources and develop short, targeted resources (checklists, slide decks, templates) to better support PS staff. We would also like the ethos of ‘Train the Trainer’ to be adopted by all Aspect projects, i.e. thought given to outputs and how PS staff can best use them.

Our platform (available under Communities on the Aspect member Platform) provides templates for doing so, and a means of sharing any new resources going forward. We welcome contributions from Aspect members as we begin to develop these resources, particularly via members of the KE/Comms CoP and through the knowledge shares we run at our monthly meetings, which will feed into the project.


Louise Jones, Head of Research Communications and Engagement, LSE

Building on ABC

Co-creating an online training resource for social sciences researchers.

What was the project doing?

A collaboration between three Aspect member institutions, this project built upon the collective learnings and successes of the ESRC NPIF Accelerating Business Collaboration fund to pilot a comprehensive Knowledge Exchange training programme for research active and professional support staff.

With its Phase 3 Funding, the project drew on learnings from the ASPECT Phase 2 Project “Building on ABC- Co-creating an Online training resource for social science researchers.” It proposed the development of training materials to give SHAPE academics insight into the processes and requirements to develop business partnerships.

These resources are now available on the Aspect Members Platform.