Podcast mini series: The ASAP Club

The ASAP Club aspires to establish a digital support structure for applicants who apply for social sciences and/or social-impact accelerators but don’t reach the final cohort selection, so that they receive the sufficient information and encouragement to continue and indeed excel in their entrepreneurial journey.

Including practical tools, applicable frameworks commonly used in the start-up space, references to external articles and sites and recordings of workshops and webinars to polish an impact driven business idea, The ASAP Club curates in one place the best content out there to enable early-stage founders with entrepreneurial know-how to take the scary step forward and make dreams a reality.


Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels




The ASAP Club has devised a mini series of short insightful podcast episodes hosted by business leaders, Founders and mentors who explore the entrepreneurial mindset and discuss key traits such as resilience, stamina and facing failure. The series aims to inform, inspire, and prepare early-stage innovators, preparing them for life as an entrepreneur.

FOCUS 1: From idea to action

Welcome to the episode, “Ideas are golden so bring on the gold rush: How to move from idea to action.” This is part of FOCUS 1 of the digital toolkit. We start with this section because we know that taking those first steps can be the most daunting! You have a cool idea, but now what!? How do you know if your idea has potential and it’s worth all the efforts you are about to invest in it? There’s only one way of knowing -by validating your idea via insights and evidence gathered. So, with that in mind, we interviewed Founder of Orbiit, Bilyana Freye, as well as Founder and Managing Partner, Jamie Qiu of Studio Zao, to learn from their experiences on what you can do to move your idea forward.

This podcast provides first-hand advice on turning ideas into reality

Focus 2: How to integrate impact into your business

Welcome to the episode, Make an Impact and Change the World – How to Integrate Impact in your Business from the Start. There are many ways that you might go about integrating impact. We speak with Tom Rippin, CEO and Founder of On-Purpose and Alex Stephany, Founder of Beam. We talk about common frameworks for social business models. We also define a social enterprise versus a charity versus a business that does good. Ultimately, we hope this episode will prompt your own thinking about how you want to create an impact-driven business.

This podcast helps you discover how you can integrate social impact into your business

Focus 3: Is your pitch perfect?

Welcome to the episode, “Is your pitch perfect?” Whether you’re applying to an accelerator, fundraising for investment, or simply communicating with your network about your venture, you will need to tell your story, convince others of why you and demonstrate the value-add of your idea. In this episode, we get to excellent perspectives on pitching and storytelling

A podcast devoted to pitching and storytelling for success

FOCUS 4: Question the Path

Welcome to the episode “Question Your Path: Is entrepreneurship for me?” We know that entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone. It’s important to know what it really takes to be an entrepreneur, and more so how you might develop useful mindsets and habits to set up for success. We introduce you to the concept of intrapreneurship, because hey, if starting your own business isn’t your thing, there are plenty of ways to be entrepreneurial in the workplace. After this episode, we invite you to dive deep into self-reflection. Ask yourself what matters most to you. Where are your strengths and even your weaknesses and identify what is the flame that ignites you on this entrepreneurial journey. We hear from previous interviewees, Bilyana Freye (Founder of Orbiit.ai), Tom Rippin (CEO & Founder of On-Purpose, and Jamie Qiu (Founder and Managing Partner of Studio Zao).

A podcast discussing if entrepreneurship is for you and how to develop mindsets and habits for success

Bonus: How to build your resilience muscle

Drop into our conversation with Dr Grace Lordan, Associate Professor of Behavioural Science at LSE. She discusses her latest book Think Big and Take Small Steps and Build the Future you Want on how an entrepreneur can strengthen their resilience muscle and be able to face the obstacles along the way. She also gives examples of how do you safeguard your resilience reserves. She then shares a few life hacks for achieving your goals.

This podcast offers practical advice on how to safeguard your resilience when faced with inevitable obstacles.

Explore more

FastFrame, Templates for Prototyping Software Apps

The aim of the FastFrame project is to allow innovation offices to provide better support for academics that are creating innovative apps e.g. a data dashboard, a training app or an interactive journey.

Announcing The Social Venture Pathway

The Social Venture Pathway offers a toolkit of resources to guide you through the process of creating a social venture. This self-guided pathway aims to fill the gaps missing from traditional innovation processes by providing a clear and comprehensive training resource for starting your first social venture.

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Train the Trainer 

This is an overview of the methods used to obtain relevant information for the Train the Trainer project.

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Building on ABCs – Phase 3 Expansion: Creating Collaborations

Modular Knowledge-Exchange Training Course that gives insights into processes and requirements to developing business partnerships.

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