SUCCESS project profile: Care Quality Evaluation for asthma (CQEa)

The SUCCESS programme is helping social scientists transform innovative and marketable ideas into a business or social enterprise.

We spoke to Dr Michela Tinelli – Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, LSE, and Founder of Care Quality Evaluation for asthma – to find out about her fascinating project and what she aims to achieve through the SUCCESS programme.


Q: What’s the nature of your project and what are you looking to achieve?

I am looking to create a service that provides all groups of asthma stakeholders responsible for the commissioning, management and delivery of care with the means to cost-effectively improve safety, quality of care and patient experience.

Q: What’s your background and why did you decide to focus on this idea?

I am a qualified pharmacist and also a health economist with the desire to:

  • Maximise the benefit to individuals in needs of long term care and support
  • Maximise the value for money invested for their care by ensuring not just the clinical effectiveness, safety, but also the cost-effectiveness of care provision and the patient experience

The choice of asthma was driven by three things: my research, my family experiences and the willingness to help people at higher risk in current Covid-19 crisis. 

Q: What are you hoping to get out of the SUCCESS programme?

I hope to get the training, support and exposure to investors so I can transform my research ideas into service provision that benefit society.

Q: What has been the most useful part of the SUCCESS programme?

I appreciate the fact that I am not alone – I am part of a community of researchers/entrepreneurs (from leading institutions in UK) who share the same willingness to explore new perspectives to their research and can find strength in each other. The support and guidance from experts in innovation, networking and commercialisation (based at the LSE and from other Institutions) have been pivotal to understand whether my research can make a difference in the community and what I need to do to make it happens. The personal stories from other entrepreneurs showed me that creating a new business that is sustainable is possible and can be rewarding, but not without challenges and roadblocks along the way.

Q: What have you learned through the programme that you will bring back to your research?

Being a researcher who thinks about business is not a negative thing. Business can bring benefits to academic research and ensure that patient and public good is generated. However, starting a business is not easy and you need more than just a good research idea…

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Photo credit: LSE in Pictures Flickr

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