The Creative Industries ‘Deep Dives’  

25th August 2021

Funded Project:
Business Engagement Sector ‘Deep Dives’

The Business Engagement COP have led a series of Aspect-funded projects focused on developing good practice in and exploring challenges related to industry and academic engagement in social sciences. While there are a breadth of industries where social sciences (SocSci) can add value, four sectors were chosen as focus points for ‘deep dives’: Creative Industries, FinTech, Legal Tech, and Health Tech.


Photo by Humphrey Muleba from Pexels

The Creative Industries ‘deep dives’ (University of Manchester & University of York) is an investigation into activities between social science academics and the creative industries in the Northwest of England to highlight a plethora of activity in this area. The creative industries overall report a value in engaging with academics due to mutual interests and benefits.

Beyond the Academy: Engaging with the Creative Industries (Greater Manchester Report) 

Dr Alicia J Rouverol 

The Creative Manchester initiative began in October 2018 in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures at The University of Manchester with a £3.3m investment. The project signalled the University’s commitment to champion culture and creativity, nurture talent and ensure an equal place on the economic agenda. Creative Manchester seeks to position the University in the Culture and Creative Industries sector, raising awareness, through our core strategic goals: Teaching and Learning, Research and Social Responsibility. It provides a framework to develop partnerships and strengthen collaborations with business and cultural organisations, and to educate future generations to work in the ever-growing creative industries. 

Beyond the Academy: Engaging with the Creative Industries (Yorkshire & Humber Report) 

Dr Sam Stockley-Patel 

XR Stories – Innovation in Screen Storytelling in the Age of Interactivity and Immersion XR Stories supports research and development for companies working in cutting-edge digital technologies in the Yorkshire and Humber region. We do this through a programme of funding, research collaboration and connection. We work across film, TV, games, media arts, heritage, advertising and technology to champion a new future in storytelling. XR Stories is putting the innovative and dynamic digital storytelling community of our region at the front of the global creative and cultural landscape. We draw together the University of York’s research excellence and a strong business focus. We are finding new ways to tell new stories to new audiences. XR Stories is a £15M investment by AHRC, ERDF, the University of York, the British Film Institute and Screen Yorkshire. 

Beyond the Academy: Improving Creative Industries Research Engagement  

Dr Samuel Stockley-Patel and Dr Alicia J Rouverol 

Recent research (Rouverol, 2021; Stockley-Patel, 2021) drawing on interviews with social sciences researchers and Creative Industries professionals as part of the Aspect Deep Dive Project 2021 evidences various ways in which sector-engagement is valuable for universities, academics, and industry. Evidence suggests that models and structures for effective research engagement beyond the academy are inconsistent, often underutilised, and sometimes lacking. These key findings outline areas of best practice for business engagement for individuals at HEIs interested in brokering, facilitating, or doing research that’s engaged with the Creative Industries.

Beyond the Academy: Improving Creative Industries-HEI Engagement

Dr Alicia J Rouverol and Dr Samuel Stockley-Patel 

Recent research (Rouverol, 2021; Stockley-Patel, 2021) 1 drawing on interviews with social sciences researchers and Creative Industries professionals as part of the Aspect Deep Dive Project 2021 evidences various ways in which sector engagement is valuable for creative and cultural sector organisations. Evidence suggests that existing models and structures for research engagement could be improved upon, addressing current engagement challenges. These key findings outline areas of best practice for Creative Industries professionals interested in brokering, facilitating, and strengthening partnerships with universities and academics.

Beyond the Academy: Models and Dynamics of Sector-Engaged Research 

Dr Alicia J Rouverol and Dr Samuel Stockley-Patel 

Social sciences researchers and organisations across the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) engage in various ways. Interested in best practice for business engagement in these sectors, this Aspect Creative Industries Deep Dive project includes a suite of distinct but interrelated reports that explore and evidence various aspects of researcher engagement with the CCIs. This report engages with the notion of research engagement itself and defines different models of research engagement beyond the academy. Through gathering insights from social sciences researchers based at universities across Yorkshire and Humber and Greater Manchester, this report forwards Cultural and Creative Industries engagement insights inclusive of and sensitive to regional particularities. 

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