Research Commercialisation Toolkits

30th September 2021

The Research Commercialisation project has developed good, innovative and effective practice for the commercialisation of social sciences research.





Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Below you will find a range of bespoke tools for evaluating, supporting, developing and valuing social science opportunities.

Go to Market Communications Strategy for Social Science Project

Intended for use by the knowledge exchange practitioners in conjunction with an academic team presenting the opportunity so they can plan and share tasks to promote their projects.

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Innovation Disclosure Form – suggested modifications

Bringing together good practice from across the RC COP membership.

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Valuation of Social Science Opportunities Tool

Providing a summary of traditional valuation techniques, intended for use by the knowledge exchange team and academics, enabling additional thinking around the valuation of their social science projects being considered for commercialisation or further impact generation activities outside their institution.

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PESTLE Tool – notes for guidance

Including examples specifically adapted for the social sciences.

Stimulating the Pipeline

A write up from a workshop aimed at developing social science commercialisation opportunities and sharing best practice amongst institutions.

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Storyboarding Tool

An approach to help think about and then communicate how your new social science opportunity might work for customers and end users.

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Five tips for Pitching a Social Science Project

A collection of tips for pitching social science opportunities to investors or other external stakeholders, intended as a starting point and not a replacement for the many resources universities have to support budding entrepreneurs. 

Animated Case Study

The Research Commercialisation Community of Practice has developed an animated case study of an exemplar social science academic entrepreneur exploring the journey of social science commercialisation with the support of their University Innovation team and showcasing the toolkit in practice. Developed by the Research Commercialisation Community of Practice with Hobson Curtis Films, the animated video supports knowledge exchange professionals to show the possibilities of commercialisation to social scientists.

If you want to learn how you and your research can benefit from commercialisation, check out this video. If you have any further questions or want to take part in the Aspect Research Commercialisation Community of Practice, get in touch with us via the ‘Get Involved’ page on this website.

Explore more

FastFrame, Templates for Prototyping Software Apps

The aim of the FastFrame project is to allow innovation offices to provide better support for academics that are creating innovative apps e.g. a data dashboard, a training app or an interactive journey.

Announcing The Social Venture Pathway

The Social Venture Pathway offers a toolkit of resources to guide you through the process of creating a social venture. This self-guided pathway aims to fill the gaps missing from traditional innovation processes by providing a clear and comprehensive training resource for starting your first social venture.

Members only

Train the Trainer 

This is an overview of the methods used to obtain relevant information for the Train the Trainer project.

Members only

Building on ABCs – Phase 3 Expansion: Creating Collaborations

Modular Knowledge-Exchange Training Course that gives insights into processes and requirements to developing business partnerships.

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