The project generated three reports, details of which can be found below:
Good Practice Guide: Business Engagement for LegalTech
Lead Institution: LSE, Manchester Date of Publication: July 2021
This guide outlines an early working model for good practice in LegalTech business engagement and high-level suggestions on replicating or adapting this model. The model is drawn and extrapolated from a collaborative workshop recently hosted by the Aspect BE Community of Practice. The workshop included presentations by Aspect members University of Manchester and LSE who shared their respective studies into LegalTech BE at their universities.

LegalTech at UoM: Establishing an Academic-Industry Consortium in Response to Sector Evolution
Lead Institution: Manchester Date of Publication: July 2021
This report describes and analyse the Manchester Law and Technology Initiative (MLaTI) as a case study for LegalTech BE. The Manchester Law and Technology Initiative (MLaTI) is an industry-academia collaboration bringing together legal services firms with academics from the Schools of Law, Business, and Computer Science at Manchester. This report explores the development, evolution, and results delivered by MLaTI as a case study for BE in the LegalTech sector.

LegalTech at LSE: Report for the Aspect LegalTech Deep Dive Project
Lead Institution: LSE Date of Publication: July 2021
An exploration of LegalTech activity at LSE and recommendations for further developing LegalTech BE in future. This report details the LSE project team’s exploration of the world of lawtech through interviews with academics in LSE Law interested in exploring the commercial potential of their research.

You can browse the outputs and insights from the other BE Sector Deep Dive projects here.