Funding Challenges for SocSci Business Engagement

25th June 2021

Funded Project:
Business Engagement Sector ‘Deep Dives’

In early Spring 2021, the Aspect Business Engagement CoP (BECoP) explored how funding mechanisms can best fit the needs of social scientists, to ensure that social science businesses engagement is given the same encouragement and recognition as other disciplines within universities and by funders. The COP first considered its own experience of funding for business engagement in the social sciences, and then invited a number of key funders to tell us more about their scheme design and the evolving space they are working in.  In this note, we present the thoughts of the BECoP with regards to the key challenges identified, and how these can be addressed by funders, universities and social science leaders. We welcome further discussions of this nature with all funders. If you wish to know more, please contact the Aspect Programme Team:

Briefing Note: Funding Challenges for Social Science Business Engagement

The ASPECT Business Engagement Community of Practice (BECoP) includes professionals from 21 Universities and Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) who have responsibility for facilitating social science engagement with business (defined as private sector organisations and social enterprise). We share good practice examples of business engagement through regular meetings and events.

We have noted the ways in which social scientists engage with business and how these can differ from other disciplines.

In early Spring 2021, the BECoP explored how funding mechanisms can best fit the needs of social scientists, to ensure that social science businesses engagement is given the same encouragement and recognition as other disciplines within universities and by funders.

We first considered our experience of funding for business engagement in the social sciences. We then invited a number of key funders to tell us more about their scheme design and the evolving space they are working in. 

In this note, we present the thoughts of the BECoP with regards to the key challenges identified, and how these can be addressed by funders, universities and social science leaders. We welcome further discussions of this nature with all funders. If you wish to know more, please contact the Aspect Programme Team:

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