Aspect Learning Report 2020

28th October 2020

The Aspect Learning Report provides an overview of the key insights and learnings from across the network over the last twelve months.

Despite the unprecedented challenges resulting from COVID-19, we are humbled by the significant amount of work that has been progressed within the Aspect programme – our members and projects have innovated and shown admirable drive and ambition, and ensured that Aspect’s important work has continued as effectively as possible.

We hope you find this report to be both insightful and uplifting.

Key report sections include:

  • Early learnings from collaborative projects
  • An update on the LSE Commercialisation Service
  • An update on Zinc
  • Progress in terms of building engagement
  • How the challenges facing social sciences commercialisation have been addressed
  • Practical considerations relating to the sustainability of the Aspect Network

We are now at the midway point of the programme, and we’re delighted to report that our ambitious activities are progressing well, including:

16 funded projects that are well underway, which aim to test and pilot new approaches to maximising the commercial and business opportunities from social sciences research

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Commercialisation Service is now well established, and – as a social science only offering – it is proving to be a valuable platform for developing and testing new models of commercialisation

Zinc continues its programme of activities, which has supported 150 founders and engaged social scientists in 65% of the currently active ventures

Explore more

FastFrame, Templates for Prototyping Software Apps

The aim of the FastFrame project is to allow innovation offices to provide better support for academics that are creating innovative apps e.g. a data dashboard, a training app or an interactive journey.

Announcing The Social Venture Pathway

The Social Venture Pathway offers a toolkit of resources to guide you through the process of creating a social venture. This self-guided pathway aims to fill the gaps missing from traditional innovation processes by providing a clear and comprehensive training resource for starting your first social venture.

Members only

Train the Trainer 

This is an overview of the methods used to obtain relevant information for the Train the Trainer project.

Members only

Building on ABCs – Phase 3 Expansion: Creating Collaborations

Modular Knowledge-Exchange Training Course that gives insights into processes and requirements to developing business partnerships.

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