Aspect Festival21 Webinars

4th July 2021

Aspect Festival21 celebrates members of the Aspect Community who over the last three years of Research England Connecting Capability Fund (CCF) funding have worked together to support innovation, entrepreneurship and research commercialisation in the social sciences.

17 June 2021

SHAP[E]ing Innovation

To open the festival we ask how SHAPE embraces the future in an ever-changing world, and discusses what is taking place right now that shows the positive impact of SHAPE in society.

Insight Session: Social sciences in Fintech, Legaltech, Healthtech and the Creative industries

During this session, BE CoP members join with Social Science academics from their institution to share challenges identified, lessons learned, and tips for engaging in the sectors.

Unconference: Business Engagement Sector Deep Dives

This interactive networking session reflects on the talks from the previous session, this unconference will gather a shortlist of topics that participants are keen to explore further in smaller discussion groups.

Coffee with Madeleine Kessler

We catch up with Madeleine about her work and the commission for the British Pavilion which engages with the current on-going debate around ownership and public space.

The insider’s view from the Aspect Student Accelerator Programme (ASAP)

This interactive session looks at how the social entrepreneurs of ASAP were able to get their first paying customer thanks to various resources offered during the programme (Mentorship, Bootcamps, Stipend, Alumni Support sessions etc).

Reset: Lunch-time performance by Helen Newby

Renowned for her ‘intimate balanced sound’ (The Washington Post), Helen Newby’s music hinges around the notion of collaboration, continually seeking to expand both the technical and expressive boundaries of her instruments in an embrace of today’s technologies.

Inter-Community Session: What is unique about social science ventures and how to best support them?

How do we give entrepreneurial ideas the tools and guidance they need to succeed? How do we stimulate the pipeline of entrepreneurial talent both at and coming out of universities, and how do we provide the best chances for success in not only levelling-up but scaling-up?

Place Session: Nurturing the Impact Power of Social Sciences and Humanities

A Journey Through (Parts of) Europe to examine good practices and approaches on knowledge transfer, knowledge exchange, and impact management.

Place Session: The importance of people and place in social enterprise

Looking at how a new type of fellowship initiative developed by Cardiff Business School and the Welsh Co-Operative Centre can establish communities of entrepreneurs that work together to understand and tackle social challenges and create social enterprise ecosystems of measurable impact.

18 June 2021

Breakfast with ARC

In this session, we will learn more about their projects, what they’ve been up to, and how they feel social science commercialisation can move forward.

Insight Session: The state of research commercialisation across social sciences, arts and humanities

This session examines the big picture of social science research commercialisation and delves into both expectations and practical steps for the future.

Coffee with: Klaus Thymann and Renate Aller – Project Pressure

We catch up with Klaus and Renate Aller, one of the artists Project Pressure collaborates with. Focussing, primarily on portraiture and landscape, Renate is best known for expansive, poetic images that visually unite two ostensibly different environments—the ocean and the desert.

Workshop Session: Methods for Change + Do Not Adjust Your Stage

The session will focus on developing improv and comedy skills that we hope will lead to new professional and multidisciplinary understandings around communication and listening. Come laugh with us!

Reset: Lunch-time performance by the Self-Isolation Choir

Today, we hear an anniversary rendition of Messiah with a special introduction by Mark and Ben discussing how an entrepreneurial approach reinvigorated a traditional way of operating, and their ambitions to bring the social cohesion created by singing into universities world-wide.

Inter-Community Session: Structuring support services in a fast-moving world

This session draws on the insights gained over the last three years of Aspect funded projects to deconstruct what ’support’ means in our modern, fast-changing environment.

The Future of Social Science Commercialisation

This panel discussion considers how social science can be fully intertwined into society, and what is being done or needs doing in order for social science not to be viewed as something different but as something integral by all.

Event Closing Session

Opening of the new chapter in the Aspect journey with Julia Black.

Explore more

FastFrame, Templates for Prototyping Software Apps

The aim of the FastFrame project is to allow innovation offices to provide better support for academics that are creating innovative apps e.g. a data dashboard, a training app or an interactive journey.

Announcing The Social Venture Pathway

The Social Venture Pathway offers a toolkit of resources to guide you through the process of creating a social venture. This self-guided pathway aims to fill the gaps missing from traditional innovation processes by providing a clear and comprehensive training resource for starting your first social venture.

Members only

Train the Trainer 

This is an overview of the methods used to obtain relevant information for the Train the Trainer project.

Members only

Building on ABCs – Phase 3 Expansion: Creating Collaborations

Modular Knowledge-Exchange Training Course that gives insights into processes and requirements to developing business partnerships.

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