Case study: Devie

5th April 2021

Lead institution:
University of Oxford

Funded Project:
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Mapping

Devie is a digital coaching app supporting parents of early years children through a range of activities, advice and mental health support.

This case study is from the University of Oxford, and is part of a series produced by the Aspect Ecosystem Mapping Project. The project, part of the Entrepreneurship Community of Practice, aims to share examples of best practice and showcase exceptional stories of innovation, entrepreneurship and research commercialisation in the social sciences from each of the participating universities.

Case study:

Supporting parents and children through the early years

A digital coaching app supporting parents of early years children through a range of activities, advice and mental health support.

Behavioural challenges can leave parents feeling stressed and isolated with vast numbers of Millennial and Gen Z parents seeking support in the US and UK alone. The current support available is often fragmented, judgmental, unsupported by evidence, and costly. Studies show that parents would benefit from 24/7 access to judgment-free guidance to support their children to develop key social and emotional skills in their critical early years of development (

Devie is an automated app providing customised evidence-based advice, which supports parents by helping them to more actively engage in their child’s development. Parents facing behaviour issues in their child can use the app to improve their responses to these challenges thus enabling and supporting their child’s social and emotional development. The caring AI coach is in its final round of testing with parents before being released to a wider audience.

You can find all the case studies from the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Mapping project here

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