Meet the Aspect Student Accelerator Programme (ASAP) Mentors

8th December 2020

Funded Project:
Aspect Student Accelerator Programme (ASAP)

The ASAP Accelerator mentorship program connects founders in the accelerator cohort with experts in the startup space. The program is designed to provide founders with an opportunity for coaching, guidance and encouragement to help shape their future business and career path in the lead up to the final Demo Day and beyond.

Find out more about the Aspect Student Accelerator Programme (ASAP) here

Alex Green
Director at Starboard Tack Property Services Ltd

Allison Savich
Strategic Lead – Data & Market Innovation at Sports England

Ash Thaker
Investment Data Strategist, Deccan Value Investors

Christy Kulasingam
Co-Founder at Proatar

Hannah Leach
Partner at Houghton Street Ventures

Jaron Soh
Co-Founder & COO at Traktion

Jason Burchard
Co-Founder and CEO at RootNote

Jenny Chong
Managing Partner at Knightingale Consulting

Josephine Liang
Co-Founder at CauliBox

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Julian Ritter
Associate Partner at Stryber

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Koby Yogaretnam
Founding Partner at UCL Discentia Capital

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Mariana Graça
Founder and Principal Consultant, MG Advisory

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Mevish Aslam
Founder at Sprinters

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Rani Nagpal
Chief Marketing Officer Polymath

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Roei Samuel
CEO & Co-Founder at Connectd

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Souky Arsalane
Head of Business Modelling at Collinson

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Tereza Pigova
Co-Founder at 1001 Stories London

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Toby Cockayne
Co-Founder at infloAi

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Vera Futorjanski
CEO & Founder at Veritas Ventures

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