Aspect members: Cardiff University

What is the project doing? 

This project is a continuation of the pilot held in 2021, aiming to enable Eleven Fellows to build upon their Cambria Fellowship summer school programme, and to continue their development through networking events, mentoring, and brokering of opportunities with enterprises and organisations within the social economy eco-system to facilitate entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activity. The funding allows the Fellows to build capacity, business acumen and sustainability by testing their ideas, alongside ongoing support to develop new social enterprise ventures/social science businesses/intrapreneurial activities from Wales Co-operative Centre and Cardiff Business School.  

Why is this needed? 

The eco-system for entrepreneurship and innovation in Wales is made up of several providers, including Business Wales, Big Ideas Wales, amongst others. 
One of the elements missing in this eco-system is a dedicated programme for developing social science scholars’ capacity to commercialise their research interests through social enterprise models, which this programme aims to address.

How can members get involved? 

For further information, please contact John Parry-Jones (