Creative Challenge Series

The Creative Challenge Series, one of Aspect’s funded projects, aimed to show the scope of social science research and the artist’s relevance in today’s society as explorers of the challenges and issues that surround us.

Find out more about the series and click the link below.

Throughout this series, we reflected on the relationship between the social sciences, the arts and the phenomena of knowledge and education, gender equality, data ethics, and the environment. We took up these issues in a dialogue between academic specialists in these fields and artists working on these themes in order to create an index of ideas on the subjects.

As a springboard to generate new perspectives on the given themes, The Creative Challenge Series emphasises how joint-ventures could lead to coping mechanisms in a changing world, and present new models of looking at, and potentially tackling, the key issues of our time.

The series included four events:

  • The new normal: what is education after isolation? 18 August, 16:00 – Nicole Maloof + Dr Claire Gordon 
  • The politics of air: how does context motivate our environmental choices? 20 August, 16:30 – Josefina Nelimarkka + Dr Ganga Shreedha
  • Identity and data ethics: what does it mean to be human in digital space? 25 August, 16:00 – Linn Phyllis Seeger + Professor Ellen Helsper
  • Gender dimensions: how is inequality produced and reproduced in a time of crisis? 27 August, 16:00 – Zoé Aubrey + Dr Sumi Madhok

Find out more and register

Explore more

Launch of the Doing Well by Doing Good course in partnership with Berenbrug.

As part of Aspect’s ongoing provision of training and learning initiatives for Aspect members, today we are delighted to announce having teamed up with Berenbrug to release a new online course for Aspect members.

reSHAPE 2023

Innovation is the lifeblood of progress, and on the 7th of September 2023, the second edition of reSHAPE brought together visionaries, innovators, and thought leaders to celebrate and explore the dynamic world of SHAPE ventures.


On the 11th of September we’ll be holding the final live activity as part of Aspect Festival23 with the Dutch Knowledge Transfer Office Social Sciences & Humanities Working Group, hosted by Aspect member Leiden University.

Methods for Change: Creative, Participatory and Design Methods Showcase

Join the M4C team online from 11.30 – 12.30 Wednesday 13th September 2023 for the Aspect Methods for Change Showcase event!

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