Catalysing Innovation Funding for Healthy Ageing
About this Event
Ageing Research at King’s (ARK), Aging2.0 and Zinc sponsored this exciting conversation on research and innovation with Lynne Corner, George MacGinnis and Christina Victor as the UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards kicking off their call for applications.
This event explored the acceleration of innovation, funding and collaboration in research that addresses the biggest challenges and opportunities in healthy ageing. We heared about how experimentation and partnership with industry are opening up new routes to impact and opportunities for academics aiming to translate their research.
- Lynne Corner, Director of VOICE and Director of Engagement at the Newcastle University Institute for Ageing and Faculty of Medical Sciences
- Christina Victor, Professor of Gerontology and Public Health at Brunel
- George MacGinnis, Challenge Director for Healthy Ageing, UK Research and Innovation
- Richard Siow, Director of Ageing Research at King’s College London
- Eric Kihlstrom, UK Ambassador for Aging2.0
- Diane Morgan, Talent Director at Zinc VC
UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards
The UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards are seeking bold new ideas to translate and accelerate the impact of research into later life. A collaborative, non-traditional funding opportunity, the Awards offer £62,500 (100% fEC) alongside a co-creation application process and programme of support from Zinc.
Applications are encouraged from UK-based researchers who are connected with a university or eligible research institution, including early career researchers and those in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Sign up for a Prototyping Problems Workshop in January 2021 to begin your innovation journey.
Website: Zinc VC Catalyst Page