Aspect and the British Academy join forces to support Early Career Researchers in the social sciences, arts and humanities
Aspect and the British Academy have teamed up to combine learnings and activities between the Aspect Network, consisting of 33 member institutions (and growing), and the British Academy’s Early Career Researcher Network (ECR Network) consisting of over 1,500 ECRs from the Midlands, South West and Scotland.
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network (ECR Network) launched in partnership with the Wolfson Foundation, and is piloting for two years, being rolled out in three regions across the UK between Autumn 2021 and Spring 2023 – the Midlands, the South West and Scotland, with the ambition of developing the network nationwide after this period.
The objectives of the network are to represent the future of the humanities and social sciences to support and strengthen their skills and networks and ultimately compete in a challenging job market. Through this new network the Academy wants to foster the best talent to pursue a future within research by encouraging and supporting those from diverse backgrounds across the UK. Specifically, the ECR Network aims to:
- To support the individual researchers to realise their potential by providing opportunities that they do not currently have access to.
- To contribute to equality of opportunity for researchers through encouraging diversity and inclusivity.
- To develop networks to nurture and facilitate greater engagement between and across researchers and the wider research community, regionally and nationally.
- To draw on the Academy’s unique ability to convene and nurture intersectoral collaboration to create unique opportunities for researchers.
Over the last three years, Aspect has developed a strong network for organisations looking to make the most of commercial and business opportunities from social sciences, humanities and arts (SHAPE) research. This has been achieved through a series of events and meetings to exchange of good practice; funded projects to test ideas and pilot new approaches and the development of toolkits (including case studies and resources) and the sharing insights and learnings with the broader community.
One of the goals of Aspect is to introduce as many researchers as possible to the opportunities of research commercialisation, and one of the goals of the ECR Network is to provide researchers with opportunities to explore new avenues and learn new skills.
Collaborating with the Academy’s ECR network through knowledge sharing and skills development sessions, networking, workshops and events throughout the year will strengthen our joint ambitions of raising the profile and significance of SHAPE research; building engagement between academics, business and industry, and providing support to researchers from all backgrounds, affiliations and locations across the SHAPE disciplines.
Sean Farran, Aspect Marketing and Communications
We see a natural marriage in the Aspect and ECR Network, with many shared institutional members. Through the learnings Aspect has achieved and the materials produced over the last three years, combined with a vibrant and active community, there is huge potential in strengthening the skills and networks of early-stage researchers with this collaboration.
Peris Thuo, Early Career Research Network Manager
Over the coming weeks we’ll be releasing a schedule of joint activities to Aspect Members and members of the ECR. Network. To find out more about the ECR Network and to register your interest please follow the link below: