Aspect members: University of Sussex, University of Manchester.
What is the project doing?
MicroSEM for Net Zero project (Micro and Small Enterprise Methods for Net Zero) aims to engage micro and small businesses (up to 49 people staff) to start thinking about implementing changes to their products and services for achieving Net Zero.
The project will build on the guides and tools developed by Methods for Change and work with micro businesses, entrepreneurs, researchers, business associations, knowledge exchange managers, social enterprises and community organisations to identify and develop guides and tools for change specifically targeting 1) micro businesses and entrepreneurs; and 2) Net Zero (locally based decarbonisation).
Why is this needed?
Lack of knowledge, understanding of how evidence-based science applies to their market, skills and resources are among the top things that lead to lack of engagement for micro businesses and entrepreneurs. Micro-businesses and entrepreneurs are also facing the highest costs for energy and have been identified by the energy regulator Ofgem as one of the hardest to engage with the transition to Net Zero.
How can members get involved?
If members are involved in complementary activities (such as working on methods and tools; decarbonisation activities; engagement activities; and/or working with micro businesses and entrepreneurs, or organisations which have direct access to these stakeholders, please get in touch with Franco Gonzalez at