Aspect Translational Impact Acceleration Hub (TIAH) Phase 2
•• Phase 2 ••• Phase 3
Aspect members: University of Bristol, University of Cardiff, University of Surrey, University of Sussex, University of York, University of Exeter.
What is the project doing?
Most Universities still struggle to provide resources and solve the major challenges of social science commercialisation. The Aspect Translational Impact Acceleration Hub set about solving some of the challenges at the earlier stages of the impact journey by mapping opportunities and testing a new framework to check which activities can seed and accelerate projects along a pipeline.
Why is this needed?
Each University has some capacity. Combining resources and test new things out with a combined pipeline and standardized framework approach will allow us to better target resources and be more efficient in scaling support to academics. In addition, it might allow us the possibility to trial a cohort approach for some of the earlier activities and projects that than could go on a and enter the ARC accelerator.