Applying social science to early-stage innovation to reduce environmental harms

•• Phase 2


Aspect members: Zinc, University of Bath, Exeter University, University of Glasgow, University of Greenwich, University of Reading, Teesside University, University of York, Royal College of Art, Queensland University of Technology

What was the project doing?

The project had recruited a Research Assistant with a social science background to lead the preparatory research for the next venture-builder program on reducing environmental harms. They joined the project for three months from 7th March and worked on the development of a research-based Manifesto for their new mission. This reflected insights from both desk research and engagement with academic and other experts, starting with those in their partner organizations. The Manifesto was a key tool in the recruitment of founders to join the venture-builder; it also informed the program of content delivered for those founders.

Why was this needed?

This project aimed to ensure the inclusion in the Manifesto of opportunity areas that reflected priorities and approaches informed by social (as well as natural and physical) sciences. This helped ensure that the next Zinc venture-builder created new environmental start-ups grounded in robust research, including insights from the social sciences.

How could members get involved?

Members could support this project by helping the new RA to identify and engage with relevant research and researchers from their own institutions, both to support the development of a first draft Manifesto and to help review and refine that draft.

For further information, please contact Rachel Middlemass (

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Social Sciences Innovations to reduce environmental harms

Explore the ZINC Venture Builder Programme for Entrepreneurs!

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