Aspect member: Cardiff University.
What is the project doing?
This project utilises funding as seed funding to commission an external provider to develop a prototype e-learning platform on behalf of Cardiff University. The process of developing the platform will allow the venture to adapt to the challenges and opportunities moving forward through deep analysis of multiple end-user personas. By developing multiple end-user personas as recommended in the market segments identified by a market research report, the venture will be able to better understand the journey unique to each end-user and begin to consider both the online and offline requirements, which are inherently interlinked.
Why is this needed?
Pobl Communications is a train-the-trainers mentoring program that helps its users understand the importance of studying languages and develop appreciation of cultural differences within communities locally and across the globe. A market research report indicated that Pobl Communication would need to be able to deliver their products to their end-users via an online learning platform.
How can members get involved?
Learnings from the project will be disseminated through the Research Commercialisation CoP. A presentation to the group would demonstrate how seed funding can be used to take market research findings forward through a project to package and distribute a product via an online platform in order to pivot towards new market segments.
For further information, please contact John Parry-Jones (