Zinc Mission 3: Final show and tell
Building on its first virtual Mission 3 Show & Tell events, Zinc held one final pitching event on 25th June. Zinc’s Mission 3 portfolio companies are all aiming to improve the quality of later life – focusing on areas such as hearing loss, bereavement, cognitive decline, menopause treatment, mobility, pelvic floor, social isolation and loneliness, nutrition, and incontinence in new and innovative ways.
The event provided an opportunity to hear from the Founders – who shared their latest pitches and updates on their progress, followed by networking roundtable sessions where attendees joined discussions, asked questions and provided feedback.
The purpose of this event was to connect Zinc’s Mission 3 ventures with the ecosystem for advice, investment, collaboration, connections, and more. It also provided the opportunity to meet and network with the others in the Zinc ecosystem.